Thursday 5 May 2011

GateCraft Crib Sheet:

There are two top level ranks, Admin and Ops, In order to have access to all of these commands you need to hold both ranks. Lower ranks will have access to some, but not all of these. Commands in <> don't need the <> to work, I just put them there to show "insert here"
Console commands (Op's only)
/kick <player> - Kick a player from the server (they can reconnect immediately)
/ban <player> - Bans a username from the server. (This is the preferred method of banning)
/pardon <player> - Lifts a player ban
/ban-ip <ip> - bans the IP from the server. Only use this if your getting problems with multiple usernames. (an IP can usually be reset)
/pardon-ip <ip> - lifts an IP ban
/op <player> - gives a player Op status (can use these commands)
/deop <player> - removes Op status
/tell <player> <message> - Sends a private message to a player. (It won't say it's from you, it will say it's from the server, use this to issue warnings)
/stop stops the server
/save-all - forces the server to save
/save-off - turns saving off (if we're running a backup for testing purposes or something)
/list - lists all players currently connected
/time set 0 - reset the time on Earth
/reload - forces a soft reset of the server (players will still be logged in, but the server will reload plugins for instance)
Admin Commands (Permissions plugin, only severedsolo can give players Admin rights at the moment until we get dedicated hosting)
/fly - makes you fly, /fly again to turn off
/spawn set - sets the spawn point (Earth only)
/tp <Player> - teleports you to a player
/tp <Player1> to <Player2> - teleports Player1 to Player2
/tp up <num of blocks> tp's you up that many blocks
/tp top - tp's you to the top block
/tp jump - tp's you to the block your looking at.
/ascend - tp's you to the next free block above you
/descend - tp's you to the next free block below you
/thru makes you walk through walls
/shift <day/night> makes a world be in constant day/night
/shift stop puts the time back to normal
/gimme <item> <number> - give you a set quantity of an item
WorldEdit commands (Admins/Ops only)
//replace <block1> with <block2> replaces all block1's with block2's
//set <block> sets all blocks in the area to that type, regardless of type
//undo undo last worldedit command
//redo redo last worldedit command
WorldGuard Commands (all users)
select blocks with WorldEdit Axe as normal. (left click first block, right click second block with a wooden axe)
//expand vert - extends the protected area from sky to bedrock (otherwise only ground level is protected)
/region claim <region name> <owner(s)> claims a region on behalf of the people under <owner>
/region flag <region name> use allow - allows lever's, doors and pressure plates to be used. (There are more flags, but i don't know them, that's the important one)
/region addowner <username> - adds a username to the owners of that region.
/region addmember <username> - adds members to the region (can build, but can't edit/delete the protection)
/region delete <region> - removes protection from that region.
All User commands:
/home set - sets home (per world)
/home - returns home
/spawn - return to Spawn point (Earth only)
/rules - view rules
/accept rules - accept the rules (unlocks building)
/weather weather on - turns on weather control
/weather clear - clears skies (after weather control turned on)
/weather storm - makes a storm (after weather control turned on)
/weather weather off - turns off weather control
Sign gates- simply click the sign until you get the world you want, then pull the lever
Dial gates- pull the lever, type /dial <gate name> <idc (if it has one)> and away you go. Take a note of the names on the signs on/near gates. These are the names used to dial in.

Example: I am at the "temple" gate on Abidos. I want to go to "leftstage" in the colloseum. I pull the lever, press T, and then type /dial leftstage and the connection is made.

Couple of notes on using gates:
1) Local gates can only dial other Local gates, and Offworld Gates can only dial other Offworld Gates.
2) Local gates are a block of obsidian set into the ground, with a DHD in front of them, Offworld gates are the proper stargates (ring shaped)

Building Gates (currently Admin only, will be unlocked for certain users later):
Local Gates:
1. Build an obsidian column, 2 high, 1 wide and put a stone button on the front of the top block
2. type /wxbuild Minimal (note capitalisation)
3. Press the button. The gate will build.
4. type /wxcomplete <gatename> idc=<whatever, this one is optional> net=<worldname>
5. Test it works
Offworld gates:
1. Build an obsidian column, 2 high, 2 wide, put a sign on the front of the top right hand block and put a stone button on the front of the top left hand block.
2. Format the sign like this;
<gatename> (usually the world name, capitalise!)
3. Type /wxbuild Standard and then hit the button.
4. right click the button again, and the gate will be constructed. (don't worry if you see no other gates on the sign, it doesn't always update, click the sign to see if it's there)
Creating Worlds:
1. type /wxcreate <worldname> <normal/nether>
2. Wait until you get a greem "success" message.
3. type /wwarp <worldname>
4. Build an Offworld Gate so other people can get there
I think that's everything, have fun

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